Standing for

Better environmental balance
When we have tried to balance the environment with our economic and social desires, we haven't always gotten it right. The data shows we can do better when it comes to our waterways, biodiversity and our carbon footprints. I want to live in a region that has lowered its emissions, has the unique species it deserves, a river we can swim in and soils we can farm sustainably for generations to come. A healthy environment is the backbone to any future we may want. I support an increase in best-practice workshops and increased compliance enforcement.

Collaboration for wellbeing
What is it all for, if not for a genuinely good life? Vibrant communities are those where organisations and individuals take care of each other. They're vibrant because we are free to be who we are, we can access help when we need it, and there's enough diversity to be interesting and resilient. Many social issues require holistic and collaborative solutions. Affordability and availability of facilities that support our mental and physical health are key to enabling wellbeing. I support business models that add environmental, social and economic value.

Modern engagement
Most people have no idea what regional council does, let alone what they're discussing and deciding. Often only a few loud voices participate. The process seems too boring to learn about, let alone engage in. What is the easiest way for you to contribute your views on council decisions? I intend to make current council topics easily accessible via blog and social media to increase awareness, discussion and participation in decisions. I support any sensible reductions in complexity and formality to increase accessibility and effectiveness of council activities.
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My background
I have served on leadership teams at several Waikato-based Fonterra manufacturing sites with a mandate of controlling and improving environmental risk and compliance, managing industrial wastewater teams and building relationships with local communities, councils and Iwi. I hold a Master of Science degree in molecular biology and a Graduate Diploma in Sustainability, have spent 5 years in research & development and have volunteered for Generation Zero. Recently, I also participated in the Sustainable Business Council Future Leaders programme. For more details please see my LinkedIn profile.
Why vote for me?
Waikato Regional Council will face a number of key issues in its next term. I will bring a fresh perspective and valuable diversity to help shape the future of our region. We will need many innovative and flexible solutions to address the root causes of our biggest challenges in the next few years. As an open-minded life-long learner, I believe it is important to hear about and consider the experiences of others when making governance decisions. I'm skilled at connecting ideas and confident to make bold decisions informed by good quality data and evidence. Lastly, I hope to inspire other young people to believe that their contributions are worthy and hold weight in our democracy.
How can I help?
I am your Hamilton City representative (one of four) on Waikato Regional Council.
I lead the Climate Action Committee to get things done to reduce emissions (Cardbon) and make us more resilient to adapt (water) for our future

About Me
My skills and background

What I stand for
I’m a paragraph. Double click here or click Edit Text to add some text of your own or to change the font. This is the place for you to tell your site visitors a little bit about you and your services.
Food & AgricultureFood is a basic right for all. How we grow food should be efficient and effective, and not degrade our environment.
Housing & TransportHumans are social creatures and should have access to positive, healthy communities they can be a part of as a human right. We need to start building our housing to be as energy efficient, beautiful and long-lasting as possible, and retrofit everything else we have asap. Transport to vital services for wellbeing (health, education, food, community spaces) is something that should be accessible for anyone without becoming stuck in a rat-race. If we make public transport so desirable to use that Hamiltonians feel they can sell their car, we all win.
EnergyCommunity owned distributed energy systems, resilent through biomimicry, is what will make us live within our means as well as in control of our own destiny.
WasteNew buildings for new possibilities
Environmental Balance
Collaboration for Wellbeing
Approachable Engagement
Better environmental balance
Explore my vision on how to maintain and build a city in balance with our environment like mitigation and adaptation climate action, biodiversity, healthy streams and rivers, and greening our city.
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Explore my vision on how to maintain and build a city in balance with our environment like mitigation and adaptation climate action, biodiversity, healthy streams and rivers, and greening our city.